Udhiyat Project

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: "No man’s work on the Day of Immolation (Sacrifice) is better than to shed (a sacrificed animal’s) blood; this (man) comes on the Day of Judgment with that (animal’s) horns and hooves".

In this respect, AL-MONASARA collects on a yearly basis donations for this project so that Shariah-compliant sacrifices can be purchased and sacrificed in Palestine and be then distributed to the poor and in-need people.

قال رسول الله ﷺ :"ما عمل آدمي من عمل يوم النحر أحب الى الله من اهراق الدم ، وإنه ليأتي يوم القيامة بقرونها وأظلافها" – رواه الترمذي - .
تقوم لجنتنا كل عام بجمع التبرعات لصالح هذا المشروع ليتم شراء الأضاحي الشرعية وذبحها داخل فلسطين وتوزيع لحومها على المحتاجين والفقراء .

Title En: 
Udhiyat Project
Body En: 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: "No man’s work on the Day of Immolation (Sacrifice) is better than to shed (a sacrificed animal’s) blood; this (man) comes on the Day of Judgment with that (animal’s) horns and hooves".

In this respect, AL-MONASARA collects on a yearly basis donations for this project so that Shariah-compliant sacrifices can be purchased and sacrificed in Palestine and be then distributed to the poor and in-need people.
