Scope of work

AL-MONASARA works in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem.



Zakat is the most important source of AL-MONASARA’s revenue; it is collected by the various campaigns that AL-MONASARA holds over the year. A large various group of donating businessmen, traders and companies—mostly from Jordan—support AL-MONASARA. This Zakat is distributed over all the poor and in-need groups in Palestine only via the Zakat committees and charitable societies that are licensed and operate there so as to create an atmosphere of accountability and transparency.

الضفة الغربية والقدس وقطاع غزه .

 جمع التبرعات 

تمثل الزكاة أهم مصادر ايرادات اللجنة حيث تجمع من خلال الحملات المختلفة التي نقوم بها على مدار العام وهناك شريحة واسعة وكبيرة من المانحين من رجال الأعمال والتجار والشركات - الغالبية العظمى منهم من داخل الاردن – يقومون بدعم اللجنة . ويتم توزيع هذه الزكاة على كل الفئات المحتاجة والفقيرة في فلسطين بواسطة لجان الزكاة والجمعيات الخيرية فقط المرخصة والعاملة هناك من أجل خلق جو من المحاسبة والشفافية  .

Title En: 
Scope of work
Body En: 

AL-MONASARA works in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem.


Zakat is the most important source of AL-MONASARA’s revenue; it is collected by the various campaigns that AL-MONASARA holds over the year. A large various group of donating businessmen, traders and companies—mostly from Jordan—support AL-MONASARA. This Zakat is distributed over all the poor and in-need groups in Palestine only via the Zakat committees and charitable societies that are licensed and operate there so as to create an atmosphere of accountability and transparency.

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