Orphan Sponsorship Program

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: (I and the person who sponsors and provides for an orphan will be in the Paradise like this—putting his index and middle fingers together).


Who is an orphan we are to sponsor?
An orphan is the one whose father is dead, and who is poor or in need .

When the sponsorship ends ?

  • If his financial conditions get markedly better . or
  • If the orphan's family decides to live outside Palestine . or
  • If the orphan becomes 16 years of age for (males) and 18 years old for (females) .

How are orphans nominated?

  • An orphan application form is to be filled in at any of the charitable societies that AL-MUNASARA deals with in Palestine and sent to us.
  • The form contains a photo of the subject orphan and all his/her personal data along with his/her birth certificate and his/her father’s death certificate being enclosed.

What do we provide an orphan with?
Orphans are provided with:

  • monthly allowances,
  • health and food aids,
  • school-related aids.

Is it possible to communicate with an orphan?

  • Surely, we urge you to do so; you can contact him/her by phone or mail encouraging him/her to be more excellent and persistent.
  • We send you a detailed report of the orphan’s status in August every year.
  • The report shall include a recent set of the orphan’s information along with his/her recent photo, letter from him/her or the one in charge and last school certificate.

How does an orphan receive his/her sponsorship?

  • Orphan allocations are transferred via the charitable societies in Palestine; they are paid as per our pre-designed invoices.
  • Such allocations are paid each six months in advance.

How much is the sponsorship?

  • The minimum amount is JD 25 on a monthly basis, i.e. JD 300 or USD 425 annually.

How can you sponsor an orphan?

  • Please make us a visit or call us so that our agent can meet and allow you to choose the orphan that you wish to sponsor.


قال رسول الله ﷺ (" أنا وكافل اليتيم في الجنة هكذا وأشار بالسبابة والوسطى وفرج بينهما ) رواه الترمذي
من اليتيم الذي نكفله ؟؟
- اليتيم الذي توفي والده .
- اليتيم الفقير أو المحتاج ( وتوقف كفالته اذا تحسنت حالته المادية) .
كيف ترشح أسماء الأيتام ؟؟
- يتم تعبأة نماذج استمارات الايتام من المؤسسات الخيرية التي نتعامل معها في فلسطين وترسل لاحقا الينا.
- تحتوي الاستمارة على صورة شخصية لليتيم اضافة الى بياناته كاملة مرفق معها شهادة ولادته وشهادة وفاة والده .
ماذا نقدم لليتيم ؟؟
- مخصصا شهريا ماليا .
- مساعدات صحية وغذائية .
- رعاية اجتماعية ونفسية .
- مساعدات مدرسية .
هل يمكن التواصل مع اليتيم؟؟
- نحن نحث على ذلك ونشجع عليه.. اتصل بيتيمك او أكتب له رساله وشجعه على التفوق والمثابرة .
- نرسل لك تقريرا مفصلا عن حالة اليتيم في شهر آب – أغسطس من كل عام .
- محتويات التقرير: بيانات حديثة ، صورة شخصية حديثة ، رسالة من اليتيم أو من ولي أمره ، آخر شهادة مدرسية .
كيف يستلم اليتيم كفالته ؟؟
- يتم تحويل مستحقات الايتام عن طريق المؤسسات الخيرية في فلسطين ويتم صرفها وفق كشوفات معدة مسبقا من طرفنا .
- يتم صرف مستحقات الايتام كل ستة شهور مقدما .
كم قيمة الكفالة النقدية ؟؟
قيمتها (25) دينار شهريا ما يعادل (300) دينار سنويا ما يعادل (425) دولار .
كيف تكفل يتيما ؟؟
تفضل بزيارتنا أو اتصل بنا يصلك مندوبنا لتقوم باختيار اليتيم الذي ترغب بكفالته. تكفل لجنتنا الآن 35000 يتيم.

Title En: 
Orphan Sponsorship Program
Body En: 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: (I and the person who sponsors and provides for an orphan will be in the Paradise like this—putting his index and middle fingers together).

Who is an orphan we are to sponsor?
An orphan is the one whose father is dead, and who is poor or in need .
When the sponsorship ends ?

  • If his financial conditions get markedly better . or
  • If the orphan's family decides to live outside Palestine . or
  • If the orphan becomes 16 years of age for (males) and 18 years old for (females) .

How are orphans nominated?

  • An orphan application form is to be filled in at any of the charitable societies that AL-MUNASARA deals with in Palestine and sent to us.
  • The form contains a photo of the subject orphan and all his/her personal data along with his/her birth certificate and his/her father’s death certificate being enclosed.

What do we provide an orphan with?
Orphans are provided with:

  • monthly allowances,
  • health and food aids,
  • school-related aids.

Is it possible to communicate with an orphan?

  • Surely, we urge you to do so; you can contact him/her by phone or mail encouraging him/her to be more excellent and persistent.
  • We send you a detailed report of the orphan’s status in August every year.
  • The report shall include a recent set of the orphan’s information along with his/her recent photo, letter from him/her or the one in charge and last school certificate.

How does an orphan receive his/her sponsorship?

  • Orphan allocations are transferred via the charitable societies in Palestine; they are paid as per our pre-designed invoices.
  • Such allocations are paid each six months in advance.

How much is the sponsorship?

  • The minimum amount is JD 25 on a monthly basis, i.e. JD 300 or USD 425 annually.

How can you sponsor an orphan?

  • Please make us a visit or call us so that our agent can meet and allow you to choose the orphan that you wish to sponsor.


Projects Template: 
Template 1